leveret / he/it / 22

hi there, thanks for visiting! my name's lev, this is my silly little neocities. i'm a disabled hobbyist artist with interest in character & game design. i have a few personal projects i'm working on alongside my partner, mainly focused on our shared oc universe, afterlight!

i'll be using this site to store my commission information as well as a hub for character bios. i'm trying to teach myself html/css and it's been pretty fun so far.. my layout ideas are a bit .... Ambitious LOL but i have hope! i'm excited to try stuff out. feel free to follow along if you want ^_^

thanks for stopping by!! have a good day!

update log

07.16.23 - i should have added one of these sooner ... last thing i did before now was my tos page!

not bloodshed, nor ills we engender,
could yet fling a mantle of gloom
on the heavenly palace of splendour,
or on earth with the lure of its bloom.

as of old, we are tenderly ravished
by valleys and blossoms and rills;
unchanging, the starlight is lavished,
and the tune that the nightingale trills.

great forests with deep-hidden spaces
know naught of our spirit's dismay;
and never a wrinkle defaces
the heaven's clear azure array.


wc toyhouse @lepiota
alt toyhouse @wyrrmwood
instagram @lepiotas

art credits

pixel @ nopeita (da)
fullbody @ forager (th)
chibi @ monday (th)